Sunday, October 28, 2007

Outside Reading Strikes Back

In the latest section that I read from The Bourne Supremacy, Bourne is as close as he has ever been to finding his imposter. Bourne follows his leads to a contact of the mysterious Frenchman, and after a quick bout, the contact is forced to tell Bourne what he knows. Going off the contact's tip, Bourne heads to a clearing in a forest outside of Shenzen where the Frenchman and Bourn's imposter are supposed to meet. As Bourne observes the meeting about to start, gunfire rains down upon the men and chaos errupts. Not wanting to let his prey escape him, Bourne chases down the Frenchman who turns out to be a mna that Bourne had met in Paris and in his mysterious workings in Medusa, "D'Anjou! I am d'Anjou! Medusa! Tam Quan!" (Ludlum 395)D'Anjou informs him that Bourne's imposter is actually his creation. Controlling him at first, d'Anjou made a fortune off the contracts of Bourne's imposter untill the imposter started to rebel thinking he no longer needed this guidence. The gunfire in the clearing that Bourne encountered was his attempt at killing Bourne's imposter, his failed attempt. So Bourne is again faced with the conflict of tracking down his imposter so that he may save his captured wife Marie.
Unknown to Bourne, Marie has escaped her government capters and is on the run. Marie's first objective is to search for help which she finds from an old friend at the Canadian consulate. Marie's friend is Catherine Staples. After hearing Marie's story, Staples is determined to help her and her husband. Staples seems to be driven by loyalty and by repaying a debt of kindness to an old friend. As the two of them look for any leads on where Bourne might be, the American undersecratery McAllister finds out that Marie was in contact with Staples and the manhunt for the both of them begins. Marie and Staples are now both on the run from the American embassey as well as the local Hong Kong police. Marie goes through many hardships while in hiding. Marie is attacked by some boys who said that she was tresspassing on their territory, "This is a forbidden road, a forbidden part of the shore" (Ludlum 416). Marie barley escapes an attempted rape and falls into unconciousness at the end of the section.

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