Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Outside Reading, The Big Finish

This is the last section of The Bourne Supremecy by Robert Ludlum. In this section Bourne finally captures his mysterious imposter and now thinks that his wife, Marie, will be returned to him from the "buisness" man who took her away. Bourne's mysterious imposter turns out to be an ex- British army oficer who had a great carrier going. Unfortunatley, after the death of his wife along with this mans terrible drinking problem, he slipped into a crazed state of rage where he became this imposter that Bourne had been chasing. Bourne is shocked and angry when he learns that the government has used him yet again for their secretive purposes. While assured he would be compensated for his efforts to help his country as well as the rest of the world, Bourne and Marie decide to just fall off the grid and hope that the government wont find them and force any more of their evils onto the two of them.
The character Jason Bourne aka David Webb definatley grows the most throughout the novel. While the main conflict of the story is Bourne trying to find his wife, a smaller ongoing conflict is Bourne trying to find out about his past. Bourne knows next to nothing about himself except for that which was told to him by the government which has betrayed him so many times before. Bourne learns that even though he may be a killer, it doesnt mean he must kill. Bourne comes to associate himself by two things, the killer Jason Bourne, and the husband David Webb. While he would rather get rid of his Bourne side he learns that he needs to just deal with it like when he is talking with Marie and says "'What do you do when there's a part of you that you hate?' said Webb. 'Accept it' answered Marie" (Ludlum 640). Bourne grows the most in that he may not know that much more about himself and his past, but he now accepts it for what it is.
This novel is very similar to our summer reading book Extremley Loud and Incredibly Close by Johnathan Safran Foer because both are really journeys of self discovery disguised in other objectives. Oskar from Extremley Loud is in search of a lock to which he believes will contain information about his father in some way. Oskar is really looking to find out more about himself which he accomplishes without even realizing much like how Jason Bourne finds out more ab out himself in his journey to find Marie. Both characters' greatest discovery is that they can live with the way they are and don't have to change in order to deal with the things that happen to them. The final quote of The Bourne Supremacy shows that maybe the things we hate the most, are things that are the most important, "'Everyone has a dark side. Yours is a legend called Jason Bourne, but that's all it is.' 'I loathe him.' 'He brought you back to me. That's all that matters'" (Ludlum 646).

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